Alexandria, VA – The Brothers of the Psi Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. ended Black History Month in grand fashion by hosting its 2021 Talent Hunt program virtually on Saturday February 27, 2021.
First held in 1946, the Talent Hunt was created to offer opportunities and support to the artistic talents of youth. Psi Nu’s competition winner will go on to compete at the district level, in hopes of winning the International Talent Hunt competition for the Fraternity.
The Psi Nu Talent Hunt winners were: First place – Ms. Isabel Madison, Second Place – Sharli Fleming and Third Place – Virginia Sacotingo. The audience was wowed by their performances and the Brothers of Psi Nu wished them well in their next endeavors.
The program can be viewed via this link: https://www.facebook.com/psinuomegapsiphi/videos/184532853445626
The order of program included the following: Welcome by Brother Shawn Brown; Invocation by Brother Eric Smith; Introduction by Basileus Brother John Gordon, Introduction of MCs and Judges by Brother Corey Griddine and the Closing & Benediction by Chaplain Brother Eric Smith. The program was MC’d by Brothers Corey Griddine and Douglass Lightfoot, with judges Dr. Sandra Burrell, Mr. Camal Pugh and Ms. Deborah Whitfield. The program was led and executed by Talent Hunt committee chair, Brother Shawn Brown.
For more information on the Psi Nu Chapter, please visit www.psinuques.com