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Psi Nu Celebrates Family and Friendship During Achievement Week Celebration

Alexandria, VA – The Brothers of the Psi Nu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. commemorated National Achievement Week with a virtual community and awards program held on Monday November 23, 2020. Master of ceremonies was Brother Garrett “Gee” James, and remarks were given by various Brothers, including the 2nd District Northern Area II Supervisor, Brother Earl Smith, Jr.

With a theme of “Family and Friendship,” Brothers were encouraged to attend the program with their families and friends in order to share the joy of Omega. Brother Roger Hicks attended with his daughter and shared “She enjoyed it just as much as I did.”

During the event, Brothers received a chance to share reflections of their years and experiences as members of the Fraternity. “No matter where I’ve traveled, what has always stayed with me is the fact that our Fraternity is built on Friendship,” said Brother James Pierce. “And that friendship is essential to the soul. It’s true.”

The Achievement Week program was held to celebrate another year of chapter operations, as well as to recognize those individuals at the local and international levels who have contributed greatly to Alexandria community. Chapter awards were also given as follows: Citizen of the Year, The River Jordan Project; Superior Service, Brother Edward Hull; Founders Award, Brother Owen Wilson; and Omega Man of the Year, Brother Donte’ Jiggetts.

The event was recorded and can be viewed at the following link:

The 2020 Psi Nu Chapter Achievement Week celebration was a success due to the efforts of the Achievement Week committee and could not have occurred with the support and participation of the Psi Nu Chapter Brothers, their families & friends and the Alexandria community as a whole.

For more information on the Psi Nu Chapter, please visit

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